Paizes Attorneys opened its doors in 2010 and is a highly specialised boutique law firm, specialising in the areas of family and personal law, and practicing in the areas of commercial and civil litigation. We are based in Benoni, Johannesburg.
In the ever-changing field of commercial, civil and family law litigation, Paizes Attorneys continuously keeps abreast of the law, including focusing on the legal industry moving towards Alternate Dispute Resolution in commercial and civil litigation, and collaborative divorce and mediations. This is key to the extensive experience of strategic planning and thinking which Paizes Attorneys provides.
Paizes Attorneys provides a client-focused personalised legal service and have an in-depth understanding of each clients’ circumstances, whether it be their business and the broader landscape within which they operate, or their personal litigation requirements. This understanding underpins our ability to supply the essential and customised legal services which suites each one of our clients.
Paizes Attorneys has extensive experience associated with commercial drafting, commercial and civil litigation, as well as compliances.
Paizes Attorneys further has extensive experience associated with family law, such as divorce, parental rights and responsibilities, maintenance and domestic violence, divorces between South Africans and non-resident spouses, mediation, co-habitation, same sex relationships, paternity, and relocation matters.
Paizes Attorneys brings a wealth of legal knowledge, experience, expertise and strategic thinking.
Paizes Attorneys director, Yulie Paizes – Paizes Attorneys, has been in practice for over 20 years and is highly experienced, educated and accomplished.